Friday, October 7, 2011

Heart of Texas Employee Assistance Professionals Association

Hill CountryCare Providers is pleased to announce they will be co-sponsoring a workshop presented by the Heart of Texas EAPA.  The guest speaker is Bruce Kravitz who is the Community Education Director at the Austin Groups for the Elderly.  His presentation is entitled “A Balancing Act:  How Family Caregivers Navigate Between their Jobs and the Demands of Caregiving.”
It will be held on November 2, 2011 between 9:00am to 12:00noon at the Austin Recovery Center.  The address is 8402 Cross Park Drive; Austin, Texas; 78754.  For non-EAPA members, the charge is $25.00 which includes a continental breakfast.  Continuing Education Credits for Mr. Kravitz’s presentation are as follows:
·         1.5 PDH’s for CEAP
·         1.5 CEU’s for LPC, LCDC, LCSW, and LCDC
If you have any interest in this exciting topic, we would love to see you there.  You can RSVP to Ramona Cruz-Peters at 512-697-8506.