Monday, December 6, 2010

The Four A’s of Alzheimer’s Disease

#1 Amnesia – the inability to use or retain memory, including both short term and long term memory.
The afflicted may constantly repeat questions such as “Who are you?” and “Where am I?” and “When are we going to eat?” or even accuse the caregiver of stealing or being an imposter. This process occurs from damage to the frontal lobes which store memory, speech, attention, personality, cognition, impulse control, rational thought, imagination and judgment.
#2 Agnosia -- the inability to recognize people or use common objects.
The afflicted may become lost in a familiar place because he or she doesn’t recognize the items that alert us to our surroundings. They may confuse a fork with a spoon, a toothbrush with a hairbrush, or toothpaste with shaving cream. Eventually the ability to recognize objects is lost completely. The person may also confuse a son with a husband or a father or an uncle, or a daughter may be confused with a mother or an aunt or a grandmother. This process is associated with increased damage to the frontal lobes, the occipital lobes (visual association, distance and depth perception) and the temporal lobes (hearing, language, and smell).

#3 Aphasia – the inability to use or understand language.
The afflicted may use the wrong word or complete a story with phrases from another story, or  they may provide a lengthy description of an item because he or she cannot find the right word. The afflicted may call family members by the wrong name--which increases the family’s anxiety and concern. This word finding difficulty will increase until all language is lost. This is associated with damage to the temporal lobes and the frontal lobes.

#4 Apraxia – the inability to utilize purposeful muscle movement or coordination.
In the early stages of Alzheimer's, the person may reach for an item and miss it.  He or she may have difficulty catching a ball or clapping his/her hands. The floor may appear to be moving to this person and balance becomes affected, increasing the risk for falls and injury. In time, this loss of ability to move affects the Activities of Daily Living (hygiene, grooming, sleeping, ambulating, toileting, dressing and eating). In the end stage, the person is not able to properly chew or swallow food--increasing the risk of choking or aspiration. This is linked to damage to parietal lobes (pain, touch, temperature and pressure, sensory perception) and the cortex (skilled movement) and the occipital lobes.

1 comment:

  1. Terrific resource of important words to Alzheimer's caregivers and family members. Thank you :)
