Why do I need to work through an agency to get assistance with caregiving instead of working with a private caregiver??
Screening & background checks on caregivers are done by the agency. | Screening & background checks are the responsibility of family hiring the caregiver. |
Wages paid by agency. Adhere to state & federal guidelines in employment practices: withholding taxes; providing workers’ compensation or self insured; conducting background & reference checks. | Wages paid by family. All of these practices are the responsibility of either the family hiring the caregiver or the caregiver (if independent contractor). |
Develops individualized plan of care with input from client & family. | Care plans are typically not required or done. |
Have 24/7 back-up on-call availability by professionals. | No one available for back-up unless special arrangements are made. |
Monitors caregivers’ services & makes regular visits to the clients’ home. | No one to monitor services or to make visits. |
May offer caregiver’s benefits such as medical insurance, time-off & etc. | Families do not typically offer these benefits. |
Greater stability, variety and an opportunity to learn from experienced colleagues. | Responsibility of finding own clients and working on their own. |
Provide training programs upon hiring and are typically provided as on-going programs. | Not known as to what type of training the caregiver has had. |
Agency must follow strict guidelines for state licensing and receive required audits to ensure the agency is operating to requirements. | Independent caregivers are not required to adhere to state requirements. |
Please let Hill Country CareProviders provide in-home care for your family member! CALL US we can HELP YOU 512-4021119
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